Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Single Adult Conference

Last weekend was the Single Adult Conference. I am our representative to the Single Adult (31+) committee at church for our region. Just after I was compelled to take this position, I found out that a Single Adult Conference was planned. I went to the first meeting about it and learned that it was being organized by an 80+ year old man, who thought that a class called Sex and the Single Adult was appropriate. So I sent in my registration, forced myself out of bed on Saturday and went. I lasted 1 1/2 hours - I listened to an 85 year old man tell me the very same things I learned in Primary and that my time would come to be married. Then I looked around the audience and realized everyone there was as old if not older than my parents. That sealed the deal. They had a pretty good turn out - and I was not needed - I left to come home and sew quilts!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hmmm. Sounds like a worthwhile event to get of bed on a Sat morning for!

How are your quilts coming along?