Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Makin' Money

We are in the middle of our stock simulator game in my business math class. I set up each of the students with $100,000 on stock simulator game. They have to spend it all on stock, and then complete an additional 20 trades. It's been HILARIOUS to watch them pick stock. One student went from head to toe to pick his stock, Nike shoes, Adidas socks, Fruit of the Loom underwear, Seven jeans, etc., all the way down to his AT&T cell phone. Then I have some students who sit there and just ask if they can save the money. "I don't want to spend it, what if I lose the money??" Come on guys... it's not real money anyway!!! But this one is my favorite.....

Justin decided he wanted a stock from every letter of the alphabet. Yep, every one. So he typed in A then picked a stock symbol that started with A. Then B, C, D, E, F, G, H,... all the way down to Z. Then announced he had spent all of his money. By the time the period was over, not only had he spent his whole $100,000.00, he had made an additional $36,000 as the stocks he magically picked had gained that much in an hour!

Oh, if that was a real stock strategy that worked!!!


Abbie said...

if only. Makes me wonder what I could do with 100 dollars. Probably not much...

Katie said...

I think that your class understands stocks as well as I do. If I ruled the world, that's how it would work. :)

Heather said...

I liked playing stock market games in high it's too stressful, I leave it up to Steve. I even read money magazine and I still am confused!