Friday, February 1, 2008

Logical Conclusions

I just finished the third week of my new semester. About half of my students are the same from last semester, but my Geography classes are new. Two days ago I was standing in front of my most troublesome duo in my smallest class and learned that students are clueless. One of them was reading what he had to do with his parent signature - - "Return to Ms. Smith by January 24, 2008." He turns to the student next to him and askes (very seriously) "Who's Ms. Smith?" The other kid says "I don't know". So I ask in an effort to get them to make a logical conclusion "What class is it for?" "This one" "So who might Ms. Smith be?" "I don't know" - then they looked around the room and saw the three or four locations that provide my name to my students and finally got it. Ah - the mind of a 14 year old.


Abbie said...

That's amazing!

Katie said...

Yikes. That's all I have to say. Yikes.

Shannon said...

You have got to be kidding. What do they call you in class "teacher"?. Good luck to them!