Sunday, February 7, 2010

What I'm watching today - My Favorite Movie

My favoritest movie in the entire world is The Third Man.  It was released in 1949 and it's about post-WWII Vienna.  Joseph Cotton and Orson Wells are in the movie and it was written by Graham Greene.  It's a classic Film Noir and has zither music in it.  I owe my love of Classic movies to lots of people, but probably the one person who influenced my interest in spy novels, non Nancy Drew mysteries, Beowulf, and classic and foreign films the most was my favorite high school English Teacher Mr. Robert Reuss.  I had Mr. Reuss for two semesters and one summer school session.  We had to read three outside books in order to qualify for an A.  We couldn't just read any book, we had to read books written by an author on the approved list.  The range was wide - I read Les Miserable, Murder on the Orient Express, the Winds of War, lots of John LeCarre, Graham Greene, and many many more!  Mr. Reuss opened my literature world in an entirely different way than anyone before.  He showed the Third Man in class and I was hooked.  I loved seeing it each time I had his class and every time I could catch it on the classic movie channels.  Thanks Mr. Royce!


Katie S said...

I love classic movies - when I can fit them in, anyway. I'll have to remember this one.

Mel said...

I think Rob would like it too. another favorite is Three Little Words - a musical