Monday, February 2, 2009

And the winner is.......

This past weekend I was a "Producer" for the stake youth activity 24 Hour Roadshows. I admit I was a little skeptical at first. The plan was to show up Friday night at 7, divide into groups of 25 youth each then write and rehearse a road show to perform Saturday night at 7pm.

They stressed that this is a youth activity and that the adult "Producers" were to guide and help but not to write, etc. I had an amazing group of youth, really, I was impressed with them from the start. However, by the 10 pm Friday night we had a great premise and even a 15 minute skit, but no real plot and several references to rated R movies. Needless to say I wasn't very comfortable with the whole thing. The stake approved their script though and let it go. When we got back Saturday morning at 9 am, I told our group that I wasn't comfortable with what they had written and asked if they were willing to re-write. Several of the youth agreed and one asked that we kneel in prayer and ask for inspiration. Within an hour we had a brand new script, Gospel Defenders, and were well on our way to have a great roadshow!! I was impressed so much by them and their willingness to do what their leaders asked of them. We had no fights or arguments and everyone felt included and needed.

When it was all over we won two awards: Best use of dance and music and Best overall roadshow. Goes to show you what obedience and prayer can accomplish.

Best line from the roadshow:
Laban is laying, passed out on the stage and Nephi walks in with his arms out in front of him, like he's going to catch something, looking up into the sky: "Laban is a pretty big guy, if he's going to fall into my hands, I hope I can catch him." Tripping on Laban, "Looks like I already missed."
Priests are hilarious!!


Shannon said...

I love the idea of the 24 hour roadshow. Instead of stressing out for a couple months, you get it all over with in a day. I'm sure the kids loved it. What a great story of obedience and prayer. You'll have to remember that one. I bet it will come in handy for a talk someday.

Jannie said...

Congratulations! And thanks for standing up for what is right. I'm sure that the youth learned a great lesson that night thanks to you...and a kind Heavenly Father who wants his kids to choose what is good in life.
That line is hilarious!!! Good boys!!!

Alina said...

Haha, that sounds pretty funny. Have you guys thought about posting it on YOutube? ;)
PS: Can't wait for you to get here!

Katie S said...

Preists are hilarious, we all remember the "Sodom add Gamorroah skit from Norco 2nd ward, right Mike, funniest thing I have ever seen!