Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

I'm posting as part of a group of posts from my Brothers and sisters about my Mom! Today is her 50-something birthday (I know the number, but I'm being respectful). So here are my thoughts and memories of Mom:

1. All the clothes she made me. I wore things my mom made even in college. I think the favorites I remember are the 7-11 outfit - so called because the material had people that appeared around the window of the 7-11 during the 1984 Olympics. I also loved the brown dress with ribbons sown in rows around the hem, waist and sleeves.

2. Leading the choir at Eastwood Elementary. "Mama Buy Me Chocolate" "What's More American"

3. Going to see Mom at the Huntington Beach hospital after Abbie was born. (At least I think it was Abbie since we were at Grandmas for Andy's) I believe her room was on the first floor so we got to go up to the window.

4. Sleeping on the floor next to the bed at the house on Carrie.

5. Discovering Australian Toaster Biscuits

6. The Pillowcases she made for my BYU Graduation - I still have them though the writing is coming off.

7. She made the discovery of Crowded House - nothing has been the same since (May 17th 2008!!!!! - we see them in person!)

8. Analyzing the lyrics on the "Woodface" Album on the way to take me to BYU for the first time.
9. Her teacup poodles. and the Pig

10. The summer that we rode the bus everywhere - to all our summer classes that she signed us up for at the different parks around Huntington Beach - I don't know how she did it.

11. Going to the really cool library in Huntington Beach

12. Going to Bolsa Chica Beach with Grapes!

13. When she came to visit me in Whittier and I had to have my first crown when she got there!

14. Flying her to see me in Stockton. We didn't do much all weekend, just sat in my cold apartment and watched the fog outside and Princess Diaries 2

15. Getting an anklet on the way to the Mount Timpanogos Temple for my first session.

16. Patiently sitting through Mrs. Parks really long choir concerts.

17. Going to the Huntington Beach North Stake Pioneer Days

18. Teaching me how to quilt.

19. Laying on the floor listening to her and Kathy Morgan write the roadshow with "Another One Bites the Dust."

Happy Birthday Mom ! I love you!!!!!

1 comment:

robert said...

Eastwood Choir! They built the ship Titanic...Uncles and Aunts... well you know the rest!