Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Adding to the Mormon Lore

We've all heard a million various Mormon lore stories about babies calling out for the Bishop to help them as they're taken out of church, or a missionary getting a mission call with only a 1-800 number straight to the prophet who will give them their top secret mission call.

This past Sunday I was sitting a few rows behind the Thompson family. They have two little boys, Collin and Liam. I was intrigued watching the parents try to keep the boys engaged and quiet during Sacrament Meeting. As we were preparing for Young Women (we work together in the Young Women)I commented on the Sacrament Books she had for her boys. They are adorable books with various pictures of Christ. She starting laughing and proceeded to tell me the greatest sacrament story EVER!

When Collin was younger - almost 3, she made these Book of Mormon books for Sacrament Meeting. They had pictures of Book of Mormon stories and her husband would tell stories to Collin during Sacrament. One Sacrament Meeting she and her husband got a little distracted during the meeting. All of the sudden Liz realized Collin's sweater and shoes were sitting on the bench, but there was no Collin. Then she heard him running down the aisle. "Dad, Dad! I'm a stripping warrior!" He yelled as he was tearing his shirt off going towards the door.

Ya gotta love little kids.


Jannie said...

That is so funny! You should tell the mom to send it in to the Ensign so everyone can share in the laughs! I think the picture in the Book of Mormon almost looks like stripping warriors, anyway!!

Shannon said...

That is about the best story I have heard in long time. So funny. I can just see my corbin doing something like that. Maybe I need to make a sacrament book before he gets any ideas of his own. Was is fabric or paper pages? I'd love more details about the books she made.

Amy said...

It was really simple. She bought a small photo album where each page had a place to write and place for a photo. The photos were almost all pictures that you could buy at Deseret Book or the like. She had a few of Collin at the templ, or Collin with the Cristis. She had written some simple scrptures next to the pictures and the boys worked on memorizing them. It was really cute and REALLY simple.

Shannon said...

What a great idea. I love it. Thanks for passing along the idea. I'm always looking for new ways to keep the boys busy and quiet at church.

Holly said...

that is a good one.

Jenn said...

Haha that was great!

Heather said...

I think that will be in my future sooner than later! Great story!

Katie S said...

At least it stopped @ the sweater and shoes. I love hearing stories like this - my kids aren't unusual after all!