This time next week I'll be on my way to Boise (yay Millers!) to visit my fabulous dentist. It's been a long two months with lots of memories to think about. Here are some of the things I'll remember in no specific order:
1. Watching Mike pour cement footings for his house
2. Not having a single day over 100 degrees
3. Sleeping on the pull out sofa every night but three
4. Discovering things about my ancestors at the Church History Library
5. Taking Lincoln and Sawyer out for lunch!
6. Watching Danny play all day in the Sandbox.
7. Hanging out in the Infusion center at the Huntsman Cancer Institute every other week
8. Climbing in and out of the basement window opening at Mike's new house.
9. Staying over at Russ and Chris' cabin
10. eating lunch at the Highline trailhead parking lot and being bit by mosquitos
11. Eating the first cherry tomato of the season from Mom & Dad's garden
12. scanning family pictures
13. Watching Midsomer Murders and eating ice cream just about every night
14. Fourth of July Extravaganza - especially the frog firework
15. 24 th of July Ice Cream and Cake Pops
16. Naming the fireworks on the 24th after apostles and prophets (Lincoln had awesome names)
17 Watching fireworks with Crew & Danny
18. watching all my nephews swim at the JCC
19. Seeing my relatives at the Smith Family Reunion - especially playing with Darren and Kezlyn's youngest!
20. Driving by East High School and singing "High School Musical" everytime I passed by
21. finishing the last block for the dreaded Butterfly Quilt
22. Completing lots of other craft projects
23. Visiting quilt stores with mom
24. Taking Dad through the McDonald's Drive Thru for breakfast
25. Salivating over the cheap fuel and food prices in Utah
26. Shopping at Walmart
27. The Kitty fiasco
28. Having glitter toes done at the Miller's house
29. Going to Andy & Alina's house for the first time.
I'm hoping to make a few more memories this week. See you soon Washington.
Mom & Dad |