During the first week of summer vacation I had a lot of projects going on:
This was a project I picked up last summer (at least I think it was last summer) at American Quilting in Orem. It is a sewing kit. I have another one to do. This didn't turn out the best, but I like it.

This quilt I bought as a kit in Boise last summer. I've had the top done for 9 months, but never got around to quilting the whole thing together. I did that and did the binding too.

I pieced this top the first day of vacation. The backing just came, so now I've got to decide if I'm going to quilt it myself or not.
My favorite project, I've been working on for a few months. I needed to reorganize my recipes. I've been typing up my cards, adding recipes, and finally I printed them out and got them into binders. I love it!