Friday, January 15, 2010

This week's best friends

That's right my best friends this week are Halls Breezers, water (ice cold), and Penicillin.  I don't remember when the last time I had strep throat was - 7th grade?  But that's what I had this week.  I went home from work early on Tuesday, just not feeling good, running a fever, decided to stop at Urgent Care on Wednesday before work thinking maybe I just had a sinus infection - nope - strep throat and if you work with kids don't go to work for two days!  Finals are next week!  So I spent Wednesday on the couch, sleeping and watching Steven Seagal arrest people (I've never watched one of his movies, but I'm impressed that he is a real police officer).  Thursday my fever finally broke and I laid on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress, Sheer Genius, and whatever could hold my interest.  I'm at work today so I can give a test, but I'd rather be on my couch asleep.


Heather said...

Poor Mel, I hope you feel better soon!

Katie S said...

Yuck-o! i hate when the boys get strep. Feel better soon!