Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We Got Snot!!!!

We've been laying low on the blogging front - not just because we've been lazy (Mel) or busy (Amy) - but mostly because we got snot! I've (Mel) have been sick it seems like forever, but it really took a toll on me last week and this past weekend. At least I had NASCAR to keep me company (Go Kyle Busch - Winner at Bristol!!!!) I've handed some of my illness to Amy who has spent the past three days sleeping and playing the XBox (Go Keflings!)


Holly said...

Oh Mel, I totally hear you. We are all it at my mom's- had a miserable flight home and are now hating life. Rest well.

Jess/Nate&Family said...

You guys are so funny! I love that you have an xbox and love to watch nascar! You make me laugh! Well I just wanted to see what was up and say hi. HI.
Love ya

Alina said...

I hope you 2 are doing well enough to play some more Xbox at the family reunion! ;)