Yesterday I had to run Amy across town to pick up her car from the dealer. On the way there I tortured her with a particular CD (I will reveal it later). While listening to this CD I shared with her my theory about why all the Smiths (meaning my grandfather, dad, brothers and sisters) make up our own songs and sing sentences etc to ourselves or others.
It's our Norwegian blood.
Grandpa Smith is half Norwegian, Dad 1/4 and we are only 1/8, but it's the Norwegian in us. You might think I'm crazy (Amy did), but as we were listening to "Teach Yourself Norwegian" we learned that the Norwegians (and other Scandinavians) have a "sing song" quality to their speech. There are different pitches and tones so it sounds like they are singing. Our Norwegian blood misses that sing song sound causing us to express those tones through making up our own songs and turning our sentences into songs. You might think I'm crazy - but I think it's a valid explaination of why we all (yes Andy, Mike, Rob, Abbie, Andy, Amy & me) make up songs.
Interesting theory. I could buy into that. Robert plays along to his "songs" with his guitar. It's great entertainment.
Hey Melody, I am sorry to hear that your leaving the area but I'm excited to hear about your new adventure!
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