Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One of those embarrassing teaching moments

When I arrived home yesterday I was in pain.
It was a hard day at work - but it wasn't my brain that hurt or even my lower back -
no it was my bum.
That's right my bottom was in pain. Why you ask? I missed my chair and fell on the floor. Not in that nice easy way - you realize the chair is missing and sit down just on your rear - no I totally surrendered to the floor and landed flat on my back. I didn't even realized I missed the chair until I hit the floor. My students were in shock even though I was laughing. I'm not laughing now. Not only is my rear sore, but my legs and one of my arms. It's almost as good as the time I had just started teaching at Sierra High School and tripped over the overhead projector cord and slid about 8 feet on my knees, got up and continued with my lesson while my knees bled for two periods.

There is no room for embarrassment as a High school teacher!


Shannon said...

Oh melody, I'm so sorry. That is just awful, not only did you fall in front of the class it hurt. Hope it goes away soon, the pain and the jokes the kids are telling (smile).

Katie S said...

I am glad you're feeling better. At least you didn't do a sommersault. I'm not sure I spelled that right. I'm glad you're able to laugh about it.

Holly said...

That sounds horrible. I bet it really freaked out your students. Are you all right?