All of us by the Salt Lake Temple |
It's been a while since either of us posted. Amy is in Utah helping with my Dad as we all face the last stages of his Brain Cancer. I just returned from Utah and will most likely be returning at the end of next week. I had a great time at home & you can read about my visit at my Dad's
blog. But I did some other things too. On Tuesday night, I had a sleep over with my nephews Lincoln & Sawyer. We watched Phineas & Ferb, Mythbusters and headed to the movie theater to see The Muppets. On Thursday night Amy, Abbie & I met up with Rob, Katie, Lincoln and Sawyer to see the lights on Temple Square. When we crossed the street we ran into our cousin Christie & her husband John. My favorite part of the visit was when we looked at all the Nativities from around the world. My favorite was the Maori nativity. At first we weren't sure which pacific island group the nativity belonged to, but then I spotted the Kiwi bird - that gave it away.
Saywer & I with the Maori Nativity (I'm the one next to the Kiwi Bird) |
Hopefully we'll get back to posting here more regularly during this year!